Think of RASA as the duct tape and WD-40 of regeneration. We work to strengthen connections and unstick parts. Partnering with and building upon the work of others, we want to make regenerative agriculture be more successful, faster. These are projects we are working on as we discover how best to contribute.

Building On Success: Telling the Regenerative Future of Agriculture
International, beginning in North America
This emergent movement is transforming “organic” to “regenerative”, and moving from reaction to proaction.

FarmlandCommons Fund
Perhaps the greatest obstacle to the expansion of regenerative agriculture in the developed world is access to land. Especially for new farmers, purchase is nearly impossible and lease terms unfavorable. FarmlandCommons would raise money from many small investors to purchase land, and partner with farmers who will be good stewards of the land while growing healthy food for the community. – – Oakland, CA