Inspiration, social capital, natural capital, and financial capital are the “4 Returns” that motivate ecosystem restoration in the Commonland framework. Commonland works with local landscape partners for large scale holistic landscape restoration in countries including Spain, South Africa, India, and Australia. Willemijn de Iongh, in conversation with Designers of Paradise host Erik van Lennep, explains the path she took to become Knowledge & Learning Lead at Commonland describing her past work with fisheries in South Africa and lions with the Amboseli Lion Project. They discuss how a “this is mine” attitude has pulled people away from the common good, the tragedy of the commons and Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom.
Erik and Willemijn talk about the important details of ecosystem restoration including governance, time, a focus on the community, and being local. They also discuss the meaning of “regeneration” and how awareness is rising but there remains a fear of not being able to complete projects within budget. She highlights that we need to tell the story better, engage with policymakers, and support and train a next generation who want to make a difference.
They close with discussion of self-care. The importance of learning, developing new skills like drawing (Willemijn always carries colored pens!), meditation and seeing with new eyes. The bottom line is she stays optimistic and encourages others to have fun fixing the earth.
Join them on this journey.
Links for Willemijn:
- on LinkedIn
- Commonland
- Lion Guardians
- Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands
- Tragedy of the commons
- Elinor Ostrom
- The movie 2040
- Charles Eisenstein
- Judith Schwartz’s book Reindeer Chronicles and Erik’s interview with her
- Rutger Bregman’s book Humankind: A Hopeful History
- Commonland online courses and online community and founder, Willem Ferwerda
- Deep scaling
- Bonn Challenge
- Zero net deforestation
- Common Agricultural Policy for Europe
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Very interesting discussion. Many good ideas, and common challenges. Thank you to both of you!