It started with the wisdom of a four-year-old and has led to a quest to support and spawn regenerative communities.  In this conversation with Designers of Paradise host Erik Van Lennep real estate investor and community designer, Chad Thiessen explains how his relationship with his son directed him on his current path, where he came from, and what he’s learning along the way.

Chad describes his experiences – good and bad – in real estate development and how he’s realized he wants to build regenerative communities and places for healing. He distinguishes his ideas from eco-villages and how to work in other countries yet avoid colonialization. He emphasizes the importance of scaffolding to support learning and money as a tool.  He explains a set of behaviors valuable for regenerative community design he has identified including:

  • Non-violent communications
  • Conflict resolution
  • Mediation
  • Sociocracy

An example of the work Chad is engaged in is project called S’a’lhstum ‘Uxwiin Shxunutun / Austin Greens.

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